CEL has been setting the industry standard for QHSES Performance. The Health & Safety of our employees comes second to none. The environment where we operate is also protected at all times to ensure optimum yield and to avoid irreversible degradation.

The lives of our employees cannot be measured against any asset owned by the company. Thus, we promote safe working standards through training and re-training of our staff. The organization’s HSE policy defines health and safety as a culture that must be embraced at all levels of the company. Employees and Management must ensure total adherence to all written procedures, processes, rules and regulation and display a full commitment to ensuring that safety standards are promoted at all times. 

At CEL, we pursue a zero injury modus operandi in all facilities and by so doing¸ our members already see it as a goal worth pursuing. With Zero fatalities recorded so far in all our operating facilities, one can proudly say that our HSE Management System is functional and measuring up to global standards and best practices.