

CEL understands the importance of coatings as the initial defence system against agents of corrosion. That is why we deploy protective coating systems to maintain the integrity of new structures and eliminate corrosion on existing ones.

Amongst our team are experienced inspectors, designers, managers and engineers with extensive expertise who can deploy a wide range of corrosion protection services to assess and manage our clients’ needs. Our NACE-certified coating Inspectors provide on-site inspections using the latest and fail-safe technology, test equipment, and instrumentation. 

CEL provides emulous, and premium service to ensure compliance with technical, organizational and international specifications. We implement corrosion control programs that will ensure the long-lasting integrity of our clients’ assets.

Our Coating Expertise
Coating application procedures and inspection services.
Exposed piping coating assessment.
Failure analysis.
Field-applied coatings.
Quality control inspection.
Shop-applied coatings.
Spray applications.
Two-part epoxy specialization.
Field-applied sandblasting;
Shop-applied sandblasting