Corrosion Control

Corrosion Control

CEL provides cathodic protection as well as other corrosion solutions to Oil & Gas as well as other industries in the energy value chain. We have delivered services extensively in the design, installation, monitoring and maintenance of cathodic protection systems for onshore & offshore metallic structures that constantly come under corrosion threats. Our innovative cathodic protection technology is system friendly, simple to install, reliable and cost-effective. No wonder we have remained a preferred choice amongst our clients. 

Our experienced (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) NACE-qualified engineers & technologists are well trained in handling time-bound and critical projects. That is why CEL has been chosen to foresee and supervise construction projects and key assets of strategic importance in Oil & Gas, utility, power, and petrochemical industries. Our team is very much committed to standard quality and safety of staff as well as environmental protection. 

Our Corrosion Control team of engineers and NACE-certified technicians are committed to accurate data collection, professional client representation, proficient documentation and report generation. Our corrosion protection services include applications for submerged metallic pipelines, above-ground and underground storage tanks, compressor and pump stations, flow stations, and production plants. We understand that corrosion control is a vital management plan to sustain the integrity of the pipeline and/or structures. We also know that a successful pipeline corrosion integrity management program typically depends on a combination of control procedures including; proper material selection for the application, coating, cathodic protection, stray current bonds, dielectric insulation, vigilant construction practices and corrosion inhibitors. Our Coatings and Cathodic Protection team evaluate, develop, and implement these methods. We begin our package delivery by implementing a corrosion control plan, by so doing, we ensure clients can protect, maintain and monitor their equipment. We have strong capabilities in the following:

Installation and restoration of the protection system.
Cathodic protection system maintenance
Stray DC interference testing, mitigation, and bond inspection.
AC corrosion modelling and mitigation.
Annual test point survey.
Close-interval survey.
DCVG, ACVG, and current attenuation surveys.
Soil resistivity and terrain survey.
Pipeline depth-of-cover survey.
Ground bed design, installation, and inspection.
Protective coating solutions, inspection, and failure analysis.
Atmospheric corrosion inspection.
Exposed piping assessments.
Data efficacy review and acceptance.